The same common sense should apply when you're driving

Even if these folks don’t see through your weak a$$ facade I do so save your efforts for them and stop talking to me.

I know it must be hard for you to constantly live in the reality of you failing to handle you business so I can understand your need to twist the facts and truths into these alternative facts that you are trying to come up with but deep down you know it.

Now there are several other ppl in this group that actually work with me or have worked with me who also know of Leon’s pathetic existence but I am holding them back from getting on here and jump in on you right along with me so you should just calm down sir before this goes way farther than you ever imagined it could.

You keep saying your leaving and ending the convo but you keep coming back. Admit it, you TRIED it and you failed epically as usual because that is your nature, pathetic bum. Foh

Allowing the father to actively parent isn’t a parenting fail; it’s a mature act of coparenting.

Failing to provide for your family of 5 at 40 years old while making excuses for your irresponsibility IS a parenting fail.

Again no common sense.

And I’ll continue to address your bitch ass if i so choose.

Again, thought you were bidding is farewell??? Bye Felicia!!!


I’d call DFACS on that broad. Period. Screaming baby. At night. In bad weather. Bitch lost her mind. And fuck all y’all bleeding hearts. You perpetuate child abuse and neglect.

My definition of screaming and everyone else definition of screaming is something that can be disputable. If she was so concerned she should have respectfully declined the ride.

Some ppl got to do what they had to do, you do t know her story. As a parent, making money at the time might have been the best thing to do

In my experience bringing a child to any type of work place it does not matter if it’s a McDonald’s or if it’s in the backseat of a taxi it’s called child endangerment so if somebody would have reported her they would have done a full investigation and then they would make that decision to believe if the child was in danger or not in my opinion I don’t agree how the system works but a lot of people like this lady in the video clearly states she has a problem with that she could have resolved it by canceling it but she probably didn’t want that charge to her credit card so she went ahead and went with the it anyways but in reality mothers have to do what it takes and a lot of people are not going to agree just my opinion

we see eye to eye. We all got our struggles so why should somebody not having a babysitter be my problem? Stop making excuses for negligent behavior and call a spade a fucking spade. Would you take them in a bar if you bartended or to a strip club if you stripped?.. I hope da fuck you wouldn’t… I worked overnight for years in a city with no family or close friends around when my daughters were smaller and trust shit got tough for a minute but I figured it out without taking my kids to work or leaving them home alone. Figure your shit out responsibly.

Yall are crazy. Baby in car with stranger? No…

Also bigger question. What will happen to baby and mom if the mom gets into a car accident and the baby is seriously injured? You think the excuse of “well im a single mom struggling to pay rent” is going to fly with the insurance company?

Then shes even more fucked than whatever her original shitty situation was. You fools would probably support her robbing the grocery store if she “had to” do something like that

I had my first child during my last year of college. There were a few times where my childcare fell through, and daddy was in college too. I still needed to get to class. I still needed to go and take that final exam, etc. I figured things out.

None of the things I figured out involved me taking her to class with me. Because even then I understood that it would not be fair to the other paying students to bring a baby into that type of environment.

The same common sense should apply when you’re driving.

My baby was a dorm baby. I was cooking and doing hair for folks to watch mine while I went to class. Now I did take him to track practice and the entire team helped me. Heck I don’t want be next to half these folks I drive around, let alone my child!!!

This right here!!! Same with me. I got pregnant at the end of my junior year of college. I gave birth my senior year but best believe I did what I had to do with working full time and in college full time. I can bet you my last penny that she wasn’t at work or school with me! People need to stop making excuses for stupidity.

I wouldnt want my child in the back with no strangers​:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:that alone should tell you not to bring them . Now ubereats is a different story​:relaxed::grin:… but it still makes you look super unprofessional pulling up with somebodys food and someone else is in the car with you let alone a baby :confused::confused::confused:

As a Pax I would have been pissed off. One because I don’t really wanna hear a understandable crying infant. Two I just don’t want to be in the car with your child. That’s just not safe for the Pax or the baby. As a driver I’m so over the unprofessionalism. It’s sad. Ladies if you need to drive and have no sitter reach out in this group there are other mom’s that you can work with and y’all can help each other.

Sounds like there’s a huge opportunity for someone to create the overnight daycare center for Uber and Lyft drivers

These type of comments are the ones that piss me off… the “why didn’t the rider cancel” comments … I’m not requesting Ubers to be canceling it cuz you not on top of your shit! If I’m calling an Uber it’s because I have to get somewhere… how about before you start driving you make sure you :100:. Then I won’t have to complain. This attitude right here is the exact reason black businesses don’t do well and eventually fail. We provide services to to people … if you can’t do it right then don’t do it. People don’t have the luxury to keep calling Ubers until the minimum requirements are met for a safe normal ride. So hell yeah she got in the car and she got to her destination safely … but She has the right complain like shit cuz the shit was unprofessional.

I can see what you are both saying. But maybe she had places to be at a certain time and could not afford to wait for another ride. The driver should have called her ahead of time and told her she had a baby in the car so she would have the opportunity to cancel. This is not the rider’s fault at all.

Being a DHS worker my heart goes out to these kids now because they have cut childcare assistance totally off. Child Care is very expensive if you don’t have a family member or a friend that you trust to keep your child. granted I don’t want to see a child put in potential harms way but I do understand why she’s opted to make a little money and just have her child with her because of no other means. on this subject I’m torn

For some people, babies equal an annual tax credit. They’re not thinking about anything else for the other 11 months.