Well-loved by tennis fans worldwide and garnering more supporters as events in this sport continue to intensify, Andy Murray has found himself under the spotlight once more as he has been handpicked to endorse Uber Eats, the transport-hailing platform’s online food ordering hub.
His biggest break of 2025?
Murray’s triumphs in his sport cannot be discredited. Based on a report on US Open’s news, among his achievements include beating eighth-time high-ranking Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic in the ATPs or the Association of Tennis Professionals tournaments, as well as winning three titles in major tennis events.
His successes in tennis are also highlighted when he grabbed the first ultimate title in his life, his very first Olympic gold medal, beating Swiss superstar Roger Federer in the final bout.
News outlets revealed Uber Eats has tapped Murray to endorse the trailblazing brand central to this report. The take: a comedy swing, they say.
He starred in their adventure flick which featured hotels in Melbourne, tennis equipment, high-energy chases, bustling streets, iconic landmarks, you name it.
All the tennis player’s campaign could say was, “Get almost, almost anything – maybe even Andy Murray.”
The facial expressions of Murray were priceless.
Reactions from netizens
Thankfully, the ad has now been published on Instagram where the comments section went ablaze with equally as funny reactions.
A comment from @gena.newman, which has gained 695 favorites so far, said, “Andy Murray: Coach by day, 007 by Night”
@chloep20 was wowed the minute the ad played.
“This is great, literally just said to my husband when do we think the Uber Eats ads will start (emojis),” they posted.
Meanwhile, @tinja_tami wanted to “order players,” perhaps like Muray.
“If I could actually order players, there would be no ATP left (emoji),” they quipped.
What the star says
Murray has issued his statement on how his new ad turned out. He remembers Australia, saying how this country has always held a “special place” in his heart. He cannot forget about taking in the sights, the chase scenes, and the iconic landmarks that brought “fun” to the experience.
“I hope people enjoy the films and the progression of the story – will they catch me? Will I be delivered to someone on Uber Eats? I guess time will reveal it all,” the Grand Slam champion added.
On Uber’s side, they are proud they made the right choice, considering the many tennis players who would possibly represent the brand.
“Having the opportunity to work with an icon of the sport is one thing, but having him agree to recast himself in such an unexpected and legendary way is a powerful tool to both entertain and educate Aussies about the Uber Eats mission of getting them almost anything across the retail spectrum,” Uber’s Channa Goonasekara pointed out.
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