Yep! Definitely an EMPLOYEE Of a rideshare company

So let me sit this right here for the critical thinkers in this group … I’m looking at some of my earnings from this past weekend and I notice Uber taking a shit load of the fair. So I run some numbers in a spreadsheet and I’m shocked at what I see … It’s safe to say that Uber taking damn near half …:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: (all trips are X, VIP and Select).

We all signed some shit on a few updates ago giving uber permission to take as much as they want before we could sign back in

If half isn’t fair, you need to analyze the costs of the apps and driver assistance offered by the company. Go write code for a multi million dollar industry. Without the trips set up, you have no job.

Great now this should give you an incentive to treat your employees well!! They say the Lord works in mysterious ways!!

Per mile. Per minute. That’s what were paid. We don’t get a % of the total fare. If uber wants to charge the rider 2.85 per mile, we agreed to do it for .81. They’re increasing they’re profit margin. All business are in business to make as much as possible, while paying out the least in expenses. Just the way it is. If you owned a business, you would also take as much profit as possible

Actually. I was one of the first uber drivers and mentors for lyft when uber first started here. They shopped their business plan as 80% driver 20% uber.

I currently have no employees because I really don’t trust anyone to do the quality work I do. Once I find a person I can trust, believe me, they’re hired

That’s great and you will be a blessing to them and hopefully you may decide to train someone from the ground up! Often I’ve found that the experiences of life can have a chilling and humbling effect on ones mindset and prospective!

Actually… If we agreed to some shit it does make it right because we didnt have to agree with it. We could take our talents somewhere else that maybe pays more or pays less but if we choose to stay then as fucked up as it sounds it’s right. And… We not bound by a contract so we could bounce at any time. Completely different from slavery…

They are investing in Self Driving car’s that Uber can’t use anymore. The Uber employees salaries at the Office is an average of $100,000 a year. 5,000+ employees. Driver’s are not included. We are independent contractors. Making sometimes less then min.wages. Booking fee and Service Fee shouldn’t be deducted just 25% of the total fare. FYI

I see it as everyone starts a business to turn a profit. Its not smart business if you can’t cover your recurring fixed and variable expenses while giving value to your shareholders. On the other hand, I as an IC has to be concerned about if I’m making a profit myself. If I do 1k a week in rides how much of that goes to my fuel, depreciation etc. It’s smart business for me if my profit margin is higher. What Uber takes doesn’t matter.

We signed up in agreement with the terms of what we would take home per mile/minute per trip. WHY DOES IT MATTER what Uber is taking?!?! There is markup and profit margin by every company out there. We just don’t see how much of each sale the other brands are actually making. It’s business and Uber is making a killing. Our earnings are exactly what we signed up for.

We should be glad they are open about it. Most places hide what percent they get. Customer pays, employee gets wage. Employer takes like 80%. I wish more businesses were transparent like Uber!

Actually Uber and Lyft lose hundreds of millions PER QUARTER. They have to do something in order to stop the bleeding. They didn’t cut our pay (some of us got increases), they just opted for higher fare revenue.

Y’all and this, “you signed an agreement”. No one gives a damn about that anymore. It’s a bad deal for the driver and once drivers understand that they will do something about it. You see sport figures all the Time rework their contract because they outplayed it. How many hold outs have their been in the nfl?

But with this mentality, “we agreed to it”, nothing will ever change.

I agree, not saying we don’t need to renegotiate…we all would like to get paid more, but how much uber marks up their product doesnt dictate how much they pay us for wholesale…

You are usually spot on. However, bring a real life example; not sports figures with 3-5 year ‘careers’. That NFL draft show is fun and all… But it pushes 30 year millionaires on to other things. Only the best of the best can renogiate their deal. The majority get cut while still capable. Just no room on the rosters.

They are investing in Self Driving car’s that Uber can’t use anymore. The Uber employees salaries at the Office is an average of $100,000 a year. 5,000+ employees. Driver’s are not included. We are independent contractors. Making sometimes less then min.wages. Booking fee and Service Fee shouldn’t be deducted just 25% of the total fare. FYI

Smh smh smh… read the contract and then make this post again. We don’t get a percentage of the total! We get a percentage of our mileage and min rate!

It will be next to impossible to successfully launch an ipo without positive cash flow. And that will require a) some sort of amazing technological breakthrough, like autonomous vehicles that work or monkeys flying out of Uber’s butt.

B) doubling (at least) Uber’s current rates. That’s just to break even. More than likely 2.5 or 3x increases.