Why not.fuck it don't I will make my black bothers look professional

That’s not what the message said, nor was about. Stop making excuses for why singling out black men is ok. “It’s not racist it’s stereotypical”. Who cares! It’s wrong and racially insensitive.

So what your telling me is that your feelings are hurt because he didnt tell every other race to do what they supposed to do.

So if your mom came outside and caught you doing dumb shit with your friends but only beat yo ass would you say she’s being “insensitive”?

I got African fabric covering my back seat and center console. I wear jeans and a T shirt or a casual t shirt dress most days. Got a big Marcus Garvey button on my visor and beads around my rear view. My hair is big. The money I get in tips is because of my personality and depends pretty heavily on WHERE I’m working.

Wow! If you got to do all that to get the ladies. There must be something wrong with you…Really. Sounds a lot like soliciting…Hummm!!!

Listen you are reading in to this whole post way too much. Its sad that everything has to be taken out of context and become offensive. Who better to talk to their own?? and If it bothers you so much just ignore it. Its really not that big of a deal and there are so any other things to talk and focus on sweetie. I’m not coming at you its just enough already.

Sad that in 2017 Black men have to continuously be on display in there Sunday dress to get respect. Sad that mofos support this continued way of thinking. Sad that no matter how well you dress as a Black man that sh*t don’t matter. Black men, ease up on yourselves. You deserve a freaking break from the BS. Be you. Only you. #getfree

Back when Black men used to ‘dress up’ daily. Didn’t stop us from getting lynched, from entire black communities including hundreds of black owned businesses and homes being literally destroyed by government and white supremacist organizations. Didn’t stop unequal access to resources/infrastructure like education, transportation, and shopping. Didn’t elevate our position in this society one iota.

Do I like to see a well dressed Black man? Yes. I love it. I loved being in Uganda where men dressed well for work, even if just riding a bicycle taxi. Yes. Bicycle taxi that you pedal. In a button up and tie. I was disheartened to come home and see all that ass hanging out in my neighborhood, but I understand it. It’s a big ‘fuck you’ to American society, because here, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

If Becky can go out in her workout clothes without anyone blinking, why should we have to perform at a higher standard for half of the respect? I was told that, as a person of color, you have to work twice as hard to get half as much. I think people are starting to rebel against that idea and demand equality or at least not give any more fucks about it. Clothing is one avenue for this.

I’ve been offered positions “in my white tee” after I finish my degree. sooo while you out here shucking and jiving for a two dollar tip… you should probably just be whoever you are…but if you are the dressing up type don’t “help” by forcing who you are one someone else.

Bro do YOU, all these comments is about how you telling other people how they should do with THEM! Please take these comments as constructive criticism because this group is straight savage! :muscle:t6:

I dress up sometimes and i wear sweats or jeans other times. My passengers are people just like me and whether they live in a 2 million dollar home or a $300/ month apartment. I treat them all the the same kindness and respect.

I’m not paid to build bonds… until these pax start paying for some psychologist sessions… lemme just get you from A to B.