The Uber UK Points Policy For Disqualifying Or Deactivating Uber Drivers

Uber does not allow certain individuals to apply for a driver's contract with them in London. This is based on a number of background occurrences and also includes certain driving violations. Here is a list of the UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) points system.

UK DVLA Points that disqualify you from applying to be a driver in the UK:

  • Accident offences: AC10, AC20, AC30

  • Disqualified driver: BA10, BA20, BA30, BA40, BA60

  • Careless driving: CD40, CD50, CD60, CD70, CD71, CD80, CD90

  • Reckless/dangerous driving: DD10, DD20, DD30, DD40, DD50, DD60, DD70, DD80, DD90

  • Drink: DR10, DR20, DR30, DR31, DR40, DR50, DR60, DR61, DR70, DR80, DR90

  • Drugs: DG10, DG40, DG60

  • Insurance: IN10

  • License offences: LC10, LC20

  • Miscellaneous offences: MS50

  • Special code: TT99, XX99

  • Theft or unauthorized taking: UT10, UT20, UT30, UT40, UT50

  • Mutual recognition codes: MR09, MR19, MR49, MR59

Nothern Ireland

  • Accident offences: 5008028, 5008032, 5008031, 5008035

  • Disqualified driver: 5008312

  • Careless driving: 5008204, 5008208, 5008212, 4104001, 4104002

  • Reckless/dangerous driving: 5008201, 5008018

  • Drink: 5008126, 5008127, 5008129, 5008130, 5008132, 5008133, 5008123, 5008124, 5008142, 5008125, 5008139, 5008136

  • Insurance: 5008019

  • Special code: Tot Up

  • Theft or unauthorized taking: 5008290, 5008295

The Uber points policy extends to other violations, including the following:

  • Aiding, abetting, counseling, or procuring offences. For these offences, the codes are similar, but with the number 0 on the code changed to 2.

  • Causing or permitting offences. For these offences, the codes are similar, but with the number 0 on the code changed to 4.

  • Inciting offences. For these offences, the codes are similar, but with the number 0 on the code changed to 6.

Even after you have been accepted by Uber, the above-mentioned offences could get you deactivated if you receive them during Uber driving.