Some info for those who want a few tips towards getting higher ratings and more tips

LOL. Don’t blame you sir. Have had some people I didn’t care for much but always try to treat everyone the same. One was so bad I had to carry her to her door to give her to her parents.

Outstanding, I do pretty much the same. Where I live there is a car wash that offers unlimited uses for $20 a month. Carry on sir

Thanks for your input. Keep doing what feels right and works for you. I suspect driving in Denton isn’t the same as driving in a big east coast city (I’m in DC), but I’m not above learning from other’s experiences.

This is awesome Marcus!!!

How do you feel about rating pax???

How do you feel about tips?

More please.

each driver does their own thing, but you waiting longer then 5 minutes your loosing out on money. Plus badges ad stars don’t pay the bills , theses passengers are NOT entitled. I off NO water any longer. they get a safe ride from point A to point B, and if they ask they get a phone charger.

I think it’s great you giving advice, however I believe the majority if people who are serious making money in this business doing all this I myself do, except opening up doors… They are all younger than myself… and I have a 2016 accord squeaky clean out and inside and people, if they don’t like your nose or what ever still lying on you!!! It happen to me!!!

How often does the opening the door thing happen? To be honest, they just usually try to open the door as soon as I arrive. They attempt to open the door before I have the opportunity to open it for them.