So huge fucking loophole with the new "UberPro" program

IF you qualify for the top two tiers you get an extra 3-6% on time and mileage. BUT you do not get the extra money on the base fare, wait time, cancels, min fare trips and, get this, SURGE!!! Are you fucking kidding me???
Also, they are taking away the long trip notifications, boost and quest unless you maintain a cancel rate of less than 4% AND keep your acceptance rate above 85%.
The entire program is a bunch of bullshit designed to keep the noob drivers accepting the trips that veterans won’t take, because those trips cost us money. Maybe that’s good, let those ants take all the shit rides and I’ll continue cherry picking and making 15-20% more than them.
Here’s the complete terms if you’re interested.

No shit! And it’s almost impossible to keep that cancellation and acceptance rate in New Orleans! Shit, I was getting pings 20 minutes out during Halloween on a stack…

And how is cherry picking good for the customers that you signed up to serve again??? 20% :joy::joy:

Uber makes the rules. We just have to play by them. If Uber wants it good for the customers they would adjust how we are paid.

Service industry does not translate to charity. I give great service, to pax who have a decent rating and enough sense to walk off Bourbon Street before requesting a ride. Not gonna feel guilty that I leave the 20% of pax who cause 80% of the problems for another driver.

It only took about 12 hours for the bitching gripping and complaining to start. Give it a chance or go back to sacking groceries or flipping burgers

drivers having attitude and not willing to stand up for themselves is the reason we uber can do whatever they want. How in the hell canvyou rip apart a new program before it even starts. Attitude? That’s just what we want. More attitude so our customers go over to the other side. Think about. Autonomous cars are coming. Good luck

Uber is a fucked up company that takes advantage of its drivers. Only job in the country that will continusly lower your pay

it’s not a job ?? It’s really sad how dumb alot of you are. I would hope that this day in age all Americans would have been supplied a good education

No long trip notification??? WHAT THE FUCK??? What the hell I do if I accept one and it is a 2-3 h ride and I can’t do it???

By contract, you can say you have an appointment or family obligation. I think they are only killing the long trip notification at the airport.

Then you might lose your status if u cancel 5 or more trips out if 100 you are automatically the lowest tier on uber pro

If you do that u run the risk of getting accused of discrimation seen it before better hope the customer u drive to is a 25 year old white straight man

I don’t really care about uber pro. I always decline the express pool so… I will never get to a gold status or whatever status LOL

Very simple, if you don’t like it don’t drive. You are a Contractor, you have a choice to drive or not… First amendment gives you a choice to bitch but if you were punching a time card all that goes out… Make it work for you or get out!!!

if I can’t do a 3 h ride at that time is on Uber. They should not get rid of that notification, we have a damn life and if it is my last ride of the day I’m not taking an extra 3 hours to be done.

you are not understanding the point :roll_eyes: if they get rid of the long trip notification I will see how long is the trip when I have the person in my car. :roll_eyes:

Any asshole can report you for anything and get your account suspended. It has happened to many vet drivers. If you had a doctor’s appointment would you take the ride?

It’s not just for airport rides, they are removing the long trip notification for all rides unless you qualify for Gold Status AND have an 85% acceptance rate. So basically even if you do qualify for the long trip notification, if you decide to decline the ride it will lower your acceptance rate and you’ll lose the feature soon anyway. Typical Uber, give you a “perk” that if you use, you lose.

It doesn’t say there will be no surge. But if you reach Diamond or Platinum level the 3-6% extra you get is ONLY on the base rate time/mileage. So if you are at the 6% level, paid $1/mile (I know, no one gets that, but it makes the math easy for the example) and got a 2.0 surge trip you would only get $.06 more per mile, not $.12 more.