I got a large UberEats order. Tray full of drinks and enough food for at least 3-4 people from a local BBQ place.
I get to the drop off point and the customer’s giant dog (70lbs easy) is running loose on the property. Customer isn’t outside with the dog and doesn’t come out to get either the food or her dog. So I open the car door and the dog immediately jumps up and slobbers in my face and then proceeded to try and climb into my car. Still no sign of the customer so irritated as fuck, I grab everything and of course the dog is up my ass all the way to the door of the house, so I’m juggling all this person’s shit and trying to control their untrained dog. I knock on the door, she answers and takes the food. No thank you, no tip and now I smell like dog.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love dogs (I’m a vet tech in fact), but I would NEVER let a 70 pound dog with no manners run loose on my property KNOWING I had a delivery person on their way to my house with more food than one person should be reasonably expected to carry!