For those who have made decisions like this, how did you feel your transition went?

Well…this is it. Today I officially quit my FT job to do Uber and Lyft full time. I was originally doing it PT. Financially it is a much better suit for me. I’d never would thought that I would enjoy doing this experiences far more than my experiences working in corporate offices for several years.

UPDATE: My mom recently told me that she is planning to work Uber and Lyft full time when she retires from her job that she’s been working for 37 years. She’s really enjoys it herself too :blush:

Damn. This job has a limited future. Have you seen all the news about driverless cars?
I wouldn’t plan on this being an option any more than a few years into the future.

Yeah like work for 70 hours which is not healthy and you’ll end up with a bad back. It’s too risky and it’s not worth it if you get in an accident. Everyone who know other drivers know it’s a lose lose. Everyone start off happy but within 15 months you’ll see what everyone’s that has posted a negative response is talking about.
$2100 hundred a week??? See if you can keep those hours up. There is no freaking way… not with these prices/fares.
Trust me anyone that post that kind of money is Uberblack/select and not UberX or they are Uber employees faking these post. I’d have to work 16 hour days for 7 days to make $1400 a week. You’ll see. Or you’d have to get up at 4am till 10:30pm to make any kind of money u might be able to maybe talk about but you’ll see that you are ruining your car for Uber or even Lyft.
Not worth it.
You will live to regret leaving your job… this is a joke out there.
These $1.40 or $2.00 rides are a joke

I’m sure I can. The amount of money I made in a day with both Uber & Lyft was FAR MORE than my weekly check. I was shocked. Believe me I sat and thought it out for the last few weeks. I will get an hourly or salary job if I have to as a last resort, but for now things have been going really well with this. It’s quite satisfying.

It was the best move ive done so far, and its been a couple years now since i started driving for lyft full time and ive been really blessed, and it helped me land a spot at the lyft office here in chicago, got a golden key award and made my hashtag handle #hellokittylyft, i hope you have a fun a successful time, being positive really helps and it makes you a ton of tips! Happy hunting!

Nice! It would be awesome to work in their office! I live in Chicago and is obssessed with Hello Kitty (wait til you see my car LOL)

LOVE IT! Stay motivated, stay positive & stay safe girl. It turned my life around.

Actually I signed up for that last week but I have not heard anything back from them. I’m glad you brought that up though. I’m gonna send them an email. :blush:

Well I don’t know about driving full time, I can’t handle interacting with pax all day. After 4 hrs I’m ready to call it a day lol. I do however enjoy driving for postmates and recently signed up for Amazon flex. I need a good balance of sitting with boxes and food rather then passengers all the time. Good luck to you and congratulations on taking control over your happiness. There are plenty of successful full time drivers out there, a few in this group alone.

God pushes you in the direction he has planned… but keep listening he may be pushing you somewhere else also :slight_smile:

I’m sorry If you feel like I did. But everyone’s situations are different. Personally it was a very good choice.

It can work if you’re willing to stick with it. I made the jump 6 months ago and couldn’t be happier. Just started Lyft PT, had a boss who liked to play mind games and bully his employees, so I decided I’d rather create my own positive environment. Plus side is most of the year after expenses I make twice what I used to. Even in he slow season so far, I net at least equal to what I did before

Big Step! It can be scary, especially when the income fluctuates. But if you plan accordingly, even for slower days then I say go for it! Been working corporate world for over 12 years and honestly, I FUCKING HATE IT! LMAO It just seems to be getting worse and worse. I want to work for myself for a change. So tired of the unrealistic goals they throw at you. I still met them most of the time but I hatedddd it. Selling junk to people who don’t even need it. My last job made me support three customers at once. Getting yelled at by three people at once? Too fast paced for my blood. I don’t like having anxiety 24/7. I’ve seen drivers on here who hustle make a great income. Stay focused, and try to build a strategy that works well for you and your lifestyle :slight_smile: Congratulations and best of luck!!

True corporate America don’t give a shit about no one but their damn numbers! Been there done that for over 18 years and hated it too! Always stressed out for the past year since walking away I am at peace.

congrats! I’m looking for another Slave labor job but only cause I need the insurance and benefits. God I hope it’s better than the last two. They start out wonderful but then suck u in and drain u of everything u have, then leave you out to dry. I’ve never seen anything like it. It use to be about keeping the employees happy but now it’s all about the Benjamin’s baby. :sob:

I think it is better with a regular pay check. There is nothing worse than to have to make car repairs with the car you make money with. I did it for almost 2 years. Stressful at times and liberating at times. I just moved to an area where…a job is required to meet my financial goals. Good luck.

You know what’s best for you. Chicago is a great market to do this. It is a hustle and hot definitely need a strategy and stamina. Good for you for making the jump. Keep focused on your goal and keep yourself energized. Take a break when you need to because driving in Chicago can be very stressful but also financially rewarding. Best of luck to you

For those that don’t know, Chicago does not have a very good job market. Alot of people are moving out of Chicago and the state of Illinois for a valid reason. Majority of the jobs here are only temp based not permanent and mostly start you off at a very low based pay. It’s a crap load of people here that does Uber and alot of them had left their jobs to work Uber full time and have made alot of money doing Uber or Lyft. Someone on here mentioned that Chicago has a great market for Uber and Lyft which is very true.

What was your full time? Just curious, because I have a very good paying full time, that I’d never leave for uber/lyft even if the pay was the same.

Think really hard before you make a decision, but once you’ve decided don’t look back don’t turn around just keep going till you can…Good luck my friend…