Did Uber driver pull a gun on complaining passengers?

Uber driver, Christopher Raynon Johnson aged 37 was accused of demanding that his complaining passengers exit the car, at gunpoint. Johnson was arraigned on charges of carrying a concealed weapon and assault with a deadly weapon in Grand Rapids District Court. During a preliminary hearing in court on Nov 12. Johnson waived the hearing to accept a deal offered by Kent County Prosecutor's Office. According to Grand Rapids Police, Johnson collected the passengers from a downtown Grand Rapids bar on Nov 10th, and the passengers asked to be taken to a nearby location. One of the passengers complained to Jonson about the route he was driving. Johnson pulled over on the northbound US 131 from Market Avenue SE ramp and told the passengers to exit his car. During the time of the passenger's exit, Johnson waived a handgun in their direction, so they ran from the scene to Grandville Avenue SE and Cherry Street SE.

Uber Drivers Allowed to Carry Guns?

Johnson appeared in court with the help of a walker, and he posted the $5,000 bond to release him from Kent County Jail. Uber has a very strict policy regarding drivers using weapons and Johnsons was immediately deactivated after the incident became public. Kayla Whaling, one of the Ubers media relations officials, told the press that "We have been in contact with the Grand Rapids Police Department and have provided information to them that would be helpful in their investigation." According to Whaling, Uber is cooperating fully with police regarding the investigation although the company has no knowledge of the incident including no confirmation that the trip was even booked through their app.