Well I am out of Uber jail and free to post my comments and opinion again

She didn’t direct it to you. If you feel like she’s talking about you, that’s your own insecurities. Take that up with ya mama, she’s the one that raised a little bbb. You can leave if you don’t like it. Bunch of grown ass men crying. Over fb at that. :joy::joy:

We complain that Uber bans people with out cause or for random offences, and that they do it unfairly. But when it happens here, apparently its OK.

You were undoubtedly suspended because your language was vulgar. You can make your point without being crude.
I personally hope you mess up again and are kicked out for good.
You don’t seem to contribute anything positive.
Have a nice day.

Lmao people call each other names all the fucken time on here ! I know I have but I didn’t know CUNT was the magic word :stuck_out_tongue::joy:

Everyone’s been in Facebook jail this month. Smdh bunch of crybabies trying to bully people by lying about shit being offensive knowing that fb won’t check it before hand.
We’ll make sure you have a few clone FBS like I do :wink:

I called someone a hypocritical asshole because he was repeatedly being a hypocritical asshole, admins had no problem with this. When you call someone a cunt because you can’t respond with an intelligent argument, that’s different.

As persons who visit this group and try to be civil… Just block/hide people you do not want to see messages from. In the meanwhile talking smack might get you a smack! You make the decision as to how you conduct yourself in this group and being an adult we usually don’t need anyone to tell us why we experience certain consequences unless we are in total denial and lack self-awareness tot the point of blaming our actions on others. Just saying…

You weren’t in Uber jail bud. You were either muted by group admins or fb had you suspended. Uber has nothing to do with this group. If you’re gonna brag about jail. Know which one you’re in.