Uber drivers have the right to complain?

Yes. We have every right to complain. The fact we all accept these wages is why they keep lowering them. Eventually we’ll all be losing money to drive people around. Lol.

you have a point,
but the situation is not that simple.
when uber same around the started of at a higher pay rate. they got people to commit to the job part time initially. but once people saw they made decent amount of money they quit their jobs and started doing uber full time. Hence creating income dependency. In addition, those people started budgeting based on that income they have been making for a year. Usual mistake with most people that don’t have very good financial management. Note that that applies to majority of the people. So, once people were fully committed, they started lowing the prices slowly and eventually came to a point where they had to work more and more to keep up with the new “budget need” they have. They worked more and more so limiting their time to cut away and look for a job. But, even if they could find a job they couldn’t find one in a short notice and couldn’t find one that pays enough to satisfy their “new” financial needs. So to keep up they are stuck doing it for longer hours. The way out is easy if you weren’t making a lot to begin with. or if its just a part time thing for you. Anyways thats what happened. Its pretty much the same as a company hiring people at 6k a month and than 2 years later dropping their pay to 3k a month. chances are that person wont leave. Lets also not forget that they have a tool called data. they look at the date and based on that lower or rase based on how many people stop and how many people keep doing it. They use internal behaviors to manage the situation. This os extremely smart and effective but not ethical in my opinion.