Telling someone you care about their child and they don't is definitely being a prick.?

only 1 time did i let someone use mine and it was because i had accidentally left it in for the night.
my first ride was a mom and child, he was not happy to be in it, but she tipped me 5 or 10 bucks cash because i had one.
after that ride it went in trunk, and then on my pass-by, it went back in the house

I saw it a while back in another forum. I have only used mine twice with Lyft but they said “We don’t currently offer that incentive in your area”

If you can not find it READILY available then it’s probably not legit information.

Something like that would be bold as brass and easily accessible for all drivers and riders to reference.

I just tell them that if ANY Uber/Lyft driver allows it, NO ONE in the car is covered. Then I report it and get their cancellation fee.