Received 2 Uber support tickets in 2 days

I got 1 this week too saying they felt uncomfortable and unsafe because of speed. Total BS!!

Someone rated me a 2. Not sure why. But I signed off from Uber this week (personal reasons) turned back one Thursday by accident. (I was looking for past earnings). I got about 15 requests. I declined them all. I’m gonna login again this week but curious to see what will happen with requests.

ratings dont matter at all. very hard to drop below 4.6. dont worry about it no bonus for 5 star

Don’t worry about it. I’ve gotten reports for rudenss too and I can assure you that I’m always very friendly and accommodating to every passenger. Uber said they don’t take action unless it becomes a pattern or you are accused of something major.

I get them too. Regardless if I agree with them or not I take accountability and work to improve myself. Accountability helps from being deactivated and gives credibility for the really bad ones.

I mean at the end of the day. Yes I agree with taking full responsibility for my actions. But if you know for a fact that you never got into a argument like someone is claiming. It’s kinda hard to take responsibility for something completely manfanfactured. I also drive like a grandpa. I got my driving techniques from my dad who always did 5 under the speed limit. I’m not that bad. But I would have to be excessively speeding for anyone to feel unsafe which I know is another manfanfactured story.

I mean I even got praise on my driving from multiple pax that same night.