Hi, this is my first post here. I’m a Lyft driver only, working part time in the Los Angeles area, to supplement income.
I do not need Lyft, and I know they don’t need me, but I know a lot of other drivers do need Lyft and/or Uber.
I get regular emails advising me of the service animal policy, and quite frankly, it bugs me. I don’t hate animals (have too many to count!), have never refused to take anyone bringing animals - pets or otherwise, and have no religious issue with any animal.
I have no idea how drivers of Jewish or Islamic persuasion deal with passengers and their therapy pigs, but I imagine it isn’t an easy situation. Maybe I am wrong on this - I don’t really know that much about either religion’s laws on the matter.
To me though, the real issue is that of a driver who has a severe allergy to particular animals. I don’t (luckily) but maybe some do?
So in my frustration, I sent the following comment to Lyft…
I am a little curious about the service animal ‘policy’.
First let me state that I have no problems with passengers bringing pets, I have allowed this and will continue to do so. Often the animals are more polite and cleaner than some of the passengers…
You state that a driver may not refuse to carry a service animal on the basis of religious objection, or allergies.
I would have thought that the religion aspect would be protected under the First Amendment, and quite frankly, the allergy based objection is downright dangerous.
I am appalled that it is the official policy of Lyft that a driver’s life is less important than the passenger’s convenience. Of course, having a driver suffer a severe allergic reaction while driving could also put the passenger’s life in danger, but that seems to have been overlooked.
I also find it frustrating that Lyft seems to bend over backwards for passengers, yet the drivers are treated like a very expendable resource. You write that if we have a concern about abuse of the service animal policy, we should finish the ride and THEN let you know? Really?
The airlines have a hard enough time policing service animals such as chickens, snakes, turkeys, ferrets, pigs, etc. How can you expect the average Lyft driver to be in a position to make a decision on such matters, when their career (for those who drive full time) is being threatened should the wrong decision be made?
I don’t expect my concerns to be addressed in a meaningful manner, but I felt I had to voice my concerns about this ‘policy’.
Sincerely, blah blah blah.
I am curious as to whether I’ll receive any response beyond a standard canned message.
-getting off my soap box now…