I'm just one staring anyone,who gets in and whispers from now on. Fuck this shit

Thursday my driver rating was a 4.98 . lowest it ever normally gets. Been driving since March. I put my dash cam up on Friday and as of today my rating is 4.87. This is such bullshit. Everyone wants to whisper about a dash cam and then rate badly because of it.

I have over 5k rides. Put dash cam in after 2k todds and rating actually went up not down

just bc u think something not changed doesnt mean on passenger side something hasnt. Maybe a bad day on their be d they push on you. Alot of things make a difference. … so blaming something when it osnt always answer and the. Going and state g you just going to one star is shitty on your end. … .I would one star you just for that attitude. Lol

I’ve been had my dash cam and my rating was at a 4.94 and now I’m at a 4.92. People are just assholes. I’ve been careful about who I give 5 stars to since they’re doing the same. I’m also about to turn the heat off on their asses

I have a front and outside rear dashcam plus inside the car cam and most people think its cool. no one has ever complained unless they were clearly acting stupid and then they noticed it nd shut up right away

Your safety is more important than ratings. I have a dash cam too and that hasn’t affected my ratings. One pax even said it’s good that I have it. It could depend on where you set it up too

It’s real good you got such a high rating. Mine has been 4.93 since I started almost two years ago. It dipped a few times but stays around there. And I had a dash cam installed before my first ride.
If you continue to do what you have been, yours will get back up there. Either way, you realize neither one of us will make more money keeping your rating that high. Your better off safety wise to have the dash cam. Don’t sweat your rating so much

Been running a dash cam for over a year and I’m sitting at 5.0 with Lyft and 4.96 with Uber.

It’s not your camera that’s getting you dinged.

Lyft will take off bad ratings where the pax didnt put a comment or if they comment and its not valid, just wait for your feedback summary on friday

There just mad cause they can’t get a free ride. F**k them. I’d rather take the low rating then accused of being drunk or a rape accusation

If you really believe the camera is the problem, try putting it in a less conspicuous place or look at models less obvious.

I wouldn’t go to any length to hide the camera, yeah a few here and there may wanna sqwak about it but in many more unnoticed cases it deters bad behavior when its visible.

They won’t ever breakout pool separately or no one would take em. You just need to decline them. The majority of my pools are just fine, but I hate express pools.

I don’t get negative ratings from my dash cam. I’ve gotten many “what is that?” And “nice dash cam” but that’s it. It keep the display on whenever it’s recording. It’s a nice deterrent and I feel keeps people better behaved.

keep the camera up for sure, if they ask tell them it’s for their safety and yours, being a woman driving by yourself any gentleman will understand that.

I was at 5.0- I got two one stars and it took me down quick! One was because the lady didn’t have enough car seats & the other was because I wouldn’t “go back to his room” I called Uber and it’s just a rating