I should have used one of those women pee cups

well that’s because men be fucking nasty bitches nowadays. If they’re drunk I leave them outside the house they’re not paying for me to take them in. The one thing I’ve learned is if you barely got to go you just stop and go there it doesn’t matter how busy it is you’re not going to miss anything to take 10 minutes to pee

I mean to be honest nothing surprises me anymore I’ve heard of drivers having to get gas in the middle of a ride that’s freaking ridiculous 2

I understand how hard it can be to find a bathroom in this town, and guys have it easier for sure. I’ve had to pop a squat behind my car and pee in a cup before…and I’d do it again sooner than going into a pax house!

I would never go inside a passenger’s house…and if I were a passenger and the driver asked me to come inside I’d make a complaint to Uber