I had my first sketch ride scared the bejeeezus outta me

Last time I checked I got paid bare minimum to DRIVE with No benefits( what if I hurt myself)

Note: no workers compensation… Im in this because I’ve already destroyed my back helping others. Im not putting myself back into a wheelchair for .$0.65 cents per mile.

In that case you need to adjust your profile and app to reflect that you have special needs and can’t assist in lifting/whatever you can’t do.

Yes if your first instinct was not right than it probably was exactly right, I have told my daughter that a lot luckily she has a 6th sense, oh the things that have happened and she was right on the mark about it

This was in rescue California and I know I did the right thing I felt it! Plus he was way out with no caretaker??

Absolutely did the right thing. I had two incidents last night similar to that. Both pings were in dark wooded areas in the outskirts of the city. Nobody was around and the addresses i was sent to looked sketchy as hell. Gut told me to cancel. Glad i did! And im glad youre safe :slight_smile:

Poor guy, I can only imagine how difficult having such a disability and apparently no help. It hurts my heart . But we live in a world that’s very sinister and I understand why you chose to not help him… it’s just sad

I’m sorry, normally I’m all about trusting our gut, but I don’t think it was good to decide before even getting there that there was a bigger chance he was shady than there was that he was disabled. This sounds like the equivalent of being sure there’s a monster in the closest and hiding under the covers, not genuine reasons to decide he wasn’t a good human.

Having read more comments, I think we need to realize not everyone in a wheelchair needs a team to assist them. Most are very independent and have been for years. If you refuse the ride base on perceived inconvenience, you’re participating in discrimination. There’s a huge difference between someone wheelchair bound and someone with total paralysis. If you can’t hold a chair while they get into a seat, help them move a leg or two, or put their chair in the back, please make sure you adjust your own profile all places necessary to specify that. If you have an elderly rider who can’t handle their bags and needs help, they’d need to know that ahead of time as well.

Lmfao I’ll do as I please, and you go on out there and go the extra mile. And it doesn’t matter if you think lifting a wheelchair can hurt you or not, I’m not risking it. Go on that extra mile bub, have at it. Me doing what I do doesn’t effect you, and you doing what you do doesn’t effect me. Have a good day.

Well my gut said this wasn’t right and I made my choice ! As you may have wanted to get out in the woods cross a bridge in the pitch blk I chose not to risk myself. I didn’t discriminate I literally could not pick a grown man up either way or his chair he said he was paraplegic no feeling from the waste down with no caretaker in the middle of nowhere Sorry not sorry !!

This has not hit Ohio…but please don’t misconstrued the intention of my comment…Uber needs to pay accordingly. You pay bare minimum expect bare minimum.

I would definitely not go to some creepy place where some man wants me out of my car walking. Any woman, or man for that matter is crazy to risk their life for something like that. If this poor man is paraplegic, his insurance or Medicaid or what ever, family member, whomever is whom he should call on. No way in he’ll would I do it. I would cancel if I even slightly got that gut feeling. It’s kept me alive more than once. Discrimination? I don’t think so, my phone looses signal if I’m away from the city, opps, sorry, lost signal. You need no explanation. An adult male should have enough brains to know he is way out of line. He should find another way. I would report him to the local police so at least they are aware of his actions. They should go and talk to him. You could pay me enough to get out of my car for anyone at night. He’ll no. I use to be a police officer and I would never ever expect someone to do something like this, especially for chump change.