Drivers should also think about our health

I have emailed both Uber and Lyft. They both offer discounts and specials for insurance, phone service etc. They really need to get something worked out with Xsport Fitness, I suggested them because they are 24/7 and they are everywhere (I think) but neither company took any interest in my idea.

why would they care??? It’s cheaper to replace you. They can do that without making a deal or spending money. The same with my full time job. They want healthy drivers, but don’t do anything to contribute to our health. As a matter of fact, they contribute more working against our health.

Yes you are right although they would not be spending money we would be spending the money, all they would need to do is work out a discounted price for us. There are millions of Uber/lyft drivers and probably half would sign up if we got a discount. Maybe no sign up fees or $5 a month instead of $10 a month. It would benefit both Uber and the gym.

Kudos. Also, easy to eat junk food, check out Intermittent Fasting. Dr Jason Fung. Many vids. Easy way to get healthy All things considered

I asked about hotel discounts for drivers as well. Many are sometimes taken far from home and often sleep in their cars because hotel expenses are too high and not worth the money