Checking your Uber passenger rating

One of the main features and biggest reasons why rideshare driving is not taxi driving is due to the rating feature. Ratings are a two-way street; they provide insight into how a passenger is rated by drivers and how drivers are rated by their passengers.

All passengers start off with a five-star rating when they sign up to Uber, based on how they request rides to how they act during the ride are all factors that make a driver rate higher or lower after the trip. Once the rating has been applied, Uber calculates the passenger star level. Unlike driver ratings, passengers are not rated once every 500 trips, obviously, however, Uber has not let out how they calculate the passenger ratings, so the web is rampant with speculation and hearsay. We will not discuss something we do not have any knowledge about and will not speculate either.

Checking Ratings
Currently, there’s no direct way to check passenger ratings in the Uber app. The only person that sees and knows passenger rating is the Uber driver. The driver see passenger rating first when he/she gets the request(see the first picture above). The other way the driver can see the passenger rating is by going into the trip details. So, next time you request a ride, politely ask the driver to check your rating by going into trip details(see the second picture above). Keep in mind, once the driver ends the trip, there’s no way to check passenger rating.

Ratings Status
We claim that rider rating are as important as a drivers ratings, because most drivers will not accept a passenger with a low score, below 4.5, and they will all clamor and compete for a passenger with a 4.8 rating and higher. That is why passengers must be considerate of their drivers, or they will end up trying to get a Taxi since no ride-share car will take them.

Increase Ratings
There are some ways of retaining a high rating score, and these are:

When placing a request; input the exact location as well as make sure it is an easy place for a driver to stop for a pickup. If you consider the driver's position in the car when they arrive at a pickup location, factoring in traffic and legalities of parking or waiting, you will make the driver's life easier, and this helps start the ride off with a good appreciation.

Be on time at a pickup, don't let the driver wait if possible wait for the driver. If weather or other conditions don't allow for that, then check the app screen and when the driver is near your location, gauge his arrival time, or wait for his text stating he has arrived and got to the car in under one minute.

If you cannot get to the pickup location within two minutes, send the driver a text explaining why you might be delayed. This will allow the driver time to find a safe place to wait and will reduce the driver's anxiety levels.

When entering the car, don't bring open food or drinks with you. If you were at lunch or picked up fast food, make sure it is in sealed packages and secure. The same is with shopping bags.

Try not to smell of too much cologne or perfume, and if you smoke, take a mint after you finish. Smell has a major impact on perception and drivers can be highly attuned to how their car smells during a ride, as well as being affected by overpowering stenches.

If you are taking a ride after a night out drinking, you most probably don't remember reading these words or care if you do, and you definitely don't care about the ride. Depending on how drunk you will also make for an interesting ride for the driver. Just don't puke up in the car. Even drunks can get high ratings if they understand their status and let the driver control the situation. We suggest scheduling a ride so that you know when you will be picked up. Also, a state in the schedule that you might be drunk and would the driver be prepared to take control of the situation for your sake. This goes a long way and drivers that specialize in the drinking scene passengers will appreciate your concern for your safety and their car.

Interactivity should be friendly and polite. Don't be aggressive and don't be a zombie. If you have to use the phone, explain to the driver that you are busy due to work or personal issue. Try to maintain a conversation with the driver, you can lead a discussion or can start one off and see how the driver reacts. Just like you, drivers have good and bad days, have loud and silent moments. Try to gauge the mood and feeling and flow with it.

Don't tell the driver how to drive or navigate; he has all the tools and experience. If you happen to know of an obstruction on the way let the driver know, and if you think that the way he wants to drive is not as fast as yours, open a discussion about the route without telling the driver where to drive. If you need to get to your location urgently, just let the driver know you need to be fast, but safe. Always add the safety issue because drivers will not break the law or endanger their passenger's lives.

Don't try to control the entertainment, if you want some music, just ask the driver what kind of music and loudness you would like and if it is possible. If your request is too bizarre or not to the drivers liking, then try to meet the driver in the middle and both of you decide on a choice. By letting the driver be part of the entertainment decision-making process you are showing respect to the fact that he is also there with you and it is his car.

At the end of a trip, complement the driver, say something nice about the trip and tip. Remember, Uber drivers are usually part-time, they have jobs and are using this platform to increase their income. So, your tips help them survive the month.

More Tips: 12 Tips to increase your Uber/Lyft passenger rating