Rider ask water or gum

You should also stock each and every kind of charging cord to accommodate every different type of phone, candy, kleenex, Cheese, salami, crackers, and anything else to make the pax feel extra special. These things should be expected, if not provided you should get a bad rating.

I drove over in 2014 for a total of six months. I drove it with class. I had small water bottles, if I drove during the daytime I had for newspapers. LA Times. I open doors and loaded bags. The only reason I stopped was because of three things. A dumb driver who get stuck in traffic with me somehow manage to convince Uber to pay me four dollars. The phone they sent me malfunctioned and I sent it back and they never sent a replacement. Luckily I logged in and use my roommates phone since she never drove for Uber after signing up. For drunk girls actually poured alcohol out of the purses and started drinking while I was Driving. Then they had the nerve to ask me if I would come back and pick them up. That was years ago and I’m sure since I need the money I will make it work this time